I'm Sophie.
I'm a junior at Brown University
studying computer science.
Web application for organizing the references and various media that inspire a creative work or process. Users can manage and reference their project-specific photos, links, palettes, and music all in one place.
3D Glass Terrarium
An interactive scene built using Three.js with custom 3D models, vertex and fragment shaders, and a Lindenmayer system for drawing natural plant branching structures.
Collaborative, browser-based, multimedia application for organizing and presenting documents on a freeform canvas.
AI Image Editor
Web application exploring the capabilities of selective, fine-tuned editing of images with prompt-guided generative AI.
Featr. Website
Website for the music start-up Featr. Features a community page where users can post upcoming shows and customizable profiles.
HeaterHive Web Console
Web console for managing water heating systems and visualizing metrics such as temperature and carbon emissions over time.
Spotify Explore
Web application for sampling song recommendations with interactive, animated nodes that play audio previews.